
This week’s journal entry:

Describe one possession that means the most to you.

By Laura Black

          This is a hard one. I have many possessions that mean a lot to me, so this is really hard to pick the one that means the most. Maybe I’ll start by naming the possessions that mean a lot to me and see if I can figure out which one means the most.

          My list of meaningful possessions would be:
o   My mini library of books – I have so many books that I still haven’t read in my mini library. I seriously get excited when I get to pick out a new book to read from my book collection. It’s the same excitement I felt when I went to the library as a kid. Sometimes I have a hard time picking which book to read next. My books are so meaningful to me because I’m able to pick one up and escape to another world that’s not my own. Escaping to my books is one of the few ways I’m able to calm myself down.
o   Pictures – It doesn’t matter what it’s a picture of. I love pictures. I love looking at pictures in general. I have a ton of family pictures and many pictures with friends. Pictures from vacations or other outings. I love looking back at pictures because they bring back all the great memories connected with those pictures. Reminiscing on all the good things in the past always makes me happy.  
o   My computer – Because most of my work is done on the computer, this is so important to how I function with working. It’s also the way I do a lot of my writing. I’m on my computer almost every day. Most of the time it’s because I’m working, but it’s such an integral part of my career. I wouldn’t be able to do the job that I love without it.
o   My journals – Since I was a little girl, I have written in some form of a journal. I honestly don’t even know how many I have. I can’t imagine my life without the ability to write out my thoughts in my journals. Writing in my journals is another one of the few things that calm me down.
o   All my craft stuff – I say craft stuff because I have so many different types of craft materials. From paints to paper to draw materials, markers, ribbons, string, sewing materials, stamps, etc. These items allow me to be creative whenever I feel the need. I love creating things. I guess this would be another way I can calm down.
o   All my music – I absolutely love music. I’m all over the place with what I like, too. I love having a variety of different types of music and being able to listen to it whenever I want. We have a decent collection of records and some CDs. I also have a ton of music on iTunes. I can’t imagine not having music in my life. It’s gotten me through so much in my life, and it’s another thing that helps to calm me. I guess I have more things that calm me than I thought. I guess that’s good.
o   My DVDs – I have a decent collection of movies on DVD. I love watching movies, and I like to own the ones that I really like and can watch more than once.
o   My jewelry – A lot of the jewelry I own was given to me by someone else, so it has meaning to me and the connection with that person. Most of the jewelry I have is from my husband, that’s a strong connection and means something special to me.
o   My yoga stuff – Yoga is the newest way I can calm myself down, so I do cherish my yoga mat, blocks, and videotapes of it. It allows me to continue practicing it and enjoying the practice of it.

I’m sure there’s a lot I’m forgetting, but that’s all that comes to mind right now. The one thing that’s not on there is my cell phone. As much as I do use it, that’s definitely a possession I could do without. Because I grew up without always having a cell phone, I do know life without one. I will have to say, life without one was so much better in so many ways, but that’s a journal entry all in itself. Perhaps I’ll vent about that in my next journal entry.

I guess after looking at it all. I would have to say my pictures are the possession that means the most to me. I would be devastated if I didn’t have all my pictures and be able to reminisce with the past happy memories I have with family and friends. My family and friends mean the world to me, so I guess that’s why I would choose my pictures. If I can’t have them in person, at least I have pictures to remind me of them and all the fun we’ve had together.


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