Famous Interview

This week’s journal entry:

If you were to interview anyone famous, dead or alive, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

By Laura Black

This is one of the journal entries I use in my Composition II class at the end of the semester. In their final essay, they have to conduct an interview with someone related to their essay. I always have them do this journal entry as getting them to think about interviewing in general and who they might want to interview not related to the essay, and what kind of questions can they come up with. It’s always interesting to see what they write on who they want to interview and what they do ask them. This last semester, I actually had a student ask me who I would interview. I had to think about it for a bit, but it wasn’t too hard to come up with an answer.

If I were to interview anyone famous, dead or alive, I would interview Toni Morrison. She’s my absolute favorite author of all time. Her first novel, The Bluest Eye, is my favorite book of all time. I’ve written about this novel before and how much I like it. Because of my love for her work and her first novel more specifically, I would want to interview her.

Of course, if I had the chance to meet her in general, I would be so nervous and excited all at once. Because of this, I would prepare the questions ahead of time, so I wouldn’t forget to ask exactly what I’d want to know. This is what I tell my students to do as well – always be prepared with your questions.

I would ask Toni Morrison the following questions:
1.    Of all the novels you’ve written, which one is your favorite and why?
2.    Which one is your least favorite and why?
3.    Which one took the longest to write?
4.    Which one was the easiest to write?
5.    You wrote a few children’s books with your son. What was that experience like?
6.    If you could give any advice to new writers, what would you tell them?
7.    What do you prefer more writing novels or teaching and why?
8.    What is your most prized possession and why?
9.    What is your writing process like from start to finish?
10. What is your least favorite thing about the writing process?

So…who would you interview, and what would you ask them?

Here’s a link back to my journal entry on my favorite book…The Bluest Eye


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