No Electricity

This week’s journal entry:
What would you do if all the electricity in the world stopped working? What would life be like?

By Laura Black
Sometimes I dream of this happening…a world without electricity. We would be forced to interact with each other again. No more phones or computers. You would have to have face-to-face and human contact with each other. I have to honestly say I would love that. I miss human contact and having conversations with people that are not constantly looking at their phones. I have always hated talking on the phone, and I would prefer to talk face-to-face with people whenever possible.
Yes, I use technology – smartphones and computers. In fact, I have to use my computer for almost everything. My job alone forces me to always be on my computer not only at school but at home as well. Yes, I like technology to a point, but quite honestly, if I didn’t have to be on my computer for work constantly, I would barely ever be on the computer.
Yes, I like my smartphone too, but I have gotten to the point where I would rather not even have it. I waste so much time on it, and I could be doing so many other things that seem much more important, like spending time with family and friends or just enjoying time alone. I have gotten much better with trying not to be on it as much, but I’m still at fault for being on it more than I want to.
Soooo…back to this world of no electricity. Because people are so dependent on electricity and technology in general, I think the initial reaction to no electricity would be people freaking out. There are some that would absolutely lose their minds. I might freak out a little at first, but I would eventually settle in and enjoy it. I could get a lot of reading done when we have daylight. That would be amazing. At night, I could interact with family and friends. That would be amazing as well.
I think, overall, our dependency on electricity and technology would make a world without it utter chaos for those that couldn’t handle it. I think those people would eventually die off and not be able to survive without it. For those that could, like myself, we would adjust and figure out a way to live without it. I’m not saying it would be easy. We would definitely have to go back and be very resourceful, but it could be done. I would probably go into hiding until the initial utter chaos died down. No need to die for those that can’t survive and make it without. I like to think it would be a more peaceful world in time after the craziness dies down.
What about you? What do you think? How would you be without electricity? Would you welcome it as I would?


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