10 Facts About Me

This week’s journal entry:
Write out ten random facts about yourself that others may not know about you and expound on them.

By Laura Black

1.      The natural color of my hair is brown with red and blond highlights; however, I like to emphasize the red and go with that color.
2.      I was born a month late. My poor mother. I was so late I caused her to have toxemia. My mother did not only have to be induced to have me, but I was pulled out with forceps.
3.      I would rather be warm than cold. I absolutely HATE being cold. Give me hot weather any day. I guess that’s why my absolute happy place is somewhere on a beach in hot weather.
4.      I love actually writing things out and writing in general. I don’t care if it’s writing out a grocery list or jotting down ideas for things to write stories about. I LOVE writing!!! When I was a kid, I used to write my name or anything else I felt like in my books…just to write. I have tons of journals and notebooks filled with writing, notes, ideas, etc. I started collecting these journals in my teenage years and continued from there.
5.      My favorite toy as a kid was Barbie and all her accessories. My sister and I would turn our entire bedroom into a Barbie town, and we’d play all weekend long.
6.      I would rather read a book than watch TV on any given day. I love to read novels the most, but I can get lost in any good book and not even care to have the TV on all day. I get so bored with watching TV. I hate reality shows, so I have a hard time finding TV shows I really, really like. BooksI can always find a good book.
7.      I am the oldest of three. My sister is the middle child, and my brother is the baby. I’ve always been protective and motherly with my siblings and others in general.
8.      I love my alone time. Growing up with two siblings, I didn’t have a lot of alone time, so I didn’t really know what it was until I was older. During my first marriage, I was alone a lot. I didn’t always like it, but I got used to it. I became comfortable with being alone, and I now look forward to every second I get alone. I’m sure my introvert traits have a lot to do with that as well.
9.      I prefer vanilla over chocolate. I will eat anything vanilla over chocolate first. I’ve always been that way. I love the smell of vanilla as well. I do like chocolate; however, over the years, I cannot eat it without getting heartburn, so I’ll stick to vanilla.
10.  Christmas is my favorite holiday ever. I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I like decorating the house, shopping, wrapping presents, putting them under the tree, filling stockings, handing presents out, watching people open them, and spending time with family and friends. The quality time with family and friends is the best part of all, though.


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