Pet Peeves

This week’s journal entry:

What gets under your skin? Write out a list of your top pet peeves, and explain why they bother you so.

By Laura Black
Pet peeves. We all have them. For each of us, they might be something slightly different yet the same. There will always be certain things that will get under our skin and drive us crazy no matter what. For me, this list could go on and on. I don’t think anyone that knows me well would even realize how easily I’m annoyed by the littlest things. They probably have no idea because I usually don’t say a word. Why bother others with my OCD issues. I guess this list might give people a clue. Here’s a list of my top 15 pet peeves in no particular order.
1.      People who smoke and blow it right in your face or your direction. Personally, I think smoking is one of the most disgusting bad habits a person can have. I can’t stand cigarette smoke, and I definitely don’t want to breathe it in or smell like it. If I wanted to breathe it in, I would take up smoking myself. Just because you’ve chosen to pollute your lungs doesn’t mean you have the right to pollute mine, too. Be respectful of those that don’t smoke, and please don’t blow it in their faces or anywhere near them whenever possible. This now goes for vaping as well. I don’t care that your cloud of smoke coming at me smells fruity or more pleasant than cigarette smoke; I still don’t want it in my face or to have to breathe it in. I’m sure you wouldn’t like me to spray a cloud of Lysol in your face, so be respectful of non-smokers.
2.      People who don’t return a shopping cart to the cart return corral. Are you really that lazy? You can’t take a few more minutes out of your day to put the cart where it belongs? I’m sure you could use a little exercise, so stop being lazy, and put the cart where it belongs.
3.      People who don’t pull over for ambulances, fire trucks, and policemen. Seriously! It is the law to pull over. Not to mention, if you were in that ambulance or a loved one was, wouldn’t you be pretty pissed off if you couldn’t get to the hospital on time because some jackass decided not to pull his ass over? Pull over already!
4.      People in a checkout line that are on their phone as they check out. Really! Is your phone call that important? Can’t you wait a few more minutes to talk to that person? To me, it’s very disrespectful to talk on the phone while checking out. It won’t kill you actually to interact with your cashier for a few minutes. Get off your phone!
5.      People who don’t say please and thank you. This one really bothers me. Were you not taught manners growing up? When anyone demands something of me or asks for something without a please, I will just stare at them. Once they say please, I will obey their demand or request. If they don’t say please, then they’ll be getting it themselves. Please and thank you does go a long way. Try it!
6.      People that spat out the words shut up! I despise this. I find the phrase shut up to be disrespectful and rude. It just sounds so degrading, too. I like to use zip it or be quiet in place of shut up. It doesn’t sound so degrading and disrespectful. Give it a whirl!
7.      People who use the word hate like it’s an everyday occurrence. Hate is a very strong word. When you use the word, you should really mean it. For example, if I were to say: I hate going to work early in the morning. It would be more appropriate to say: I dislike going to work early in the morning. I don’t feel an intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility to working early in the morning. I would just prefer not to do it. So, you should only use the word hate when you are sure you mean it.
8.      People that can’t use the proper use of words. Okay, this definitely bothers me because my profession is an English Instructor, so it kind of goes with the territory. It’s so hard for me not to constantly correct people when they use the wrong word. Don’t get me wrong, I do slip from time to time, but most times, when I see or hear a mistake, I am screaming in my mind and wanting to correct you. Ahhh!!!
9.      People that sniff their snot in. Okay, maybe you don’t have a Kleenex readily available, but when you continue to sniff in your snot simply because you’re too lazy to get a Kleenex, then get off your lazy ass and blow your damn nose. It sounds so disgusting, and it can’t be good for you.
10.  People that chew with their mouths open. Could you seriously sound more disgusting? Why were you never taught to chew with your mouth closed? No one wants to hear your teeth clanking together while you eat. Shut your mouth!
11.  When the last person to use the bathroom doesn’t change the empty roll of toilet paper. Unless there is no more toilet paper in the bathroom, then you have no excuse not to change the roll. What drives me even crazier is when the new roll is placed on top of the empty roll still on the toilet paper dispenser. Can you be lazier? Change the damn roll!
12.  When I have not been home all day or night, and I come home to a sink full of dishes. No one else has even thought to do the dishes after dirtying them. There is no dishwasher, and there is no maid. I should not be doing those dishes. Clean up after yourself!
13.  When people cut me off while I’m talking, it is rude. You can’t wait another minute for me to finish what I’m saying. I am polite and listen to you, so pay me the same respect. If you cut me off, I develop an attitude and don’t want to listen to what you have to say either.
14.  People that are clearly late to any event or work in general. There is a timeframe in which you were given. Figure out how to make it work. I find it extremely rude and disrespectful to be late; however, if you clearly know you will be late, then at least be kind enough to inform others of your lateness.
15.  People that are downright rude and disrespectful to others for no real reason. You are no better than anyone else, and you have no right to be rude or disrespectful to anyone just because you feel you’re better than them. Treat others the way you expect to be treated. If you are rude and disrespectful to me or anyone in my presence, I will either be rude back to you, or I will kill you with kindness to show you what an ass you are being. Just be respectful and kind to others. 


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